Notice to Privacy Practice Policy:
This notice describes how medical information about you may be used and disclosed and how you can get access to this information. PLEASE REVIEW THE NOTICE CAREFULLY. Our staff is committed to protecting your health information, which is a right you have and one detailed in the federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996. You may review our Notice to Privacy Practice by selecting the link below.
Downloadable form:
Public Online Privacy Policy
This Public Online Privacy Policy and the links included explain how we collect, treat, and protect your individually identifiable personal information (“personal information”). Specifically, the Public Online Privacy Statement describes how we handle the personal information that you submit to us when you submit a Contact Us form, attach a resume, and browse our site. In addition to these policies, this site fully complies with Vanguard Medical Center’s Notice of Privacy Practices as required by the Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), however NO PERSONALIZED HEALTH INFORMATION AS DEFINED BY HIPAA IS COLLECTED OR PROVIDED ON THIS SITE.
Information We Collect.
We’ve designed our public Websites to capture two types of information: automatic tracking and individually identifiable personal information (“personal information”). The first allows us to see which topics interest you most; the second helps us provide the services you requested.
Automatic tracking information is gathered by following your “footsteps” online. Most Web browsers automatically provide this information to the sites they visit and display. This information is not personally identifiable. We do not collect any additional data from your computer, and we do not compare data provided by your browser with any other data we maintain. The routes you — and other visitors — choose helps us learn about the people who visit our sites. We use aggregate numbers to compile statistics, monitor trends and track site usage. We also use the information to make sure our technology is compatible with yours. We’re then better able to offer content, products and services that match your needs.
Personal information can be anything you’ve provided through our public Web sites that identifies you. For example: Your name, email address, and street address are types of personal information. We store this information behind a complex series of firewalls, in a way that maximizes security and confidentiality.
How We Use Your Information:
We will only use the information to provide you with the services you have requested and as otherwise described in this Privacy Policy.
We will NOT sell, rent, or license the personal information you provide within our public Web sites.
We do NOT provide any personally identifiable information about our users to any third party.
Access to the data you submit is limited to the authorized staff detailed in our Site Disclaimer under Security.
Use of Cookies:
We use “cookies” to personalize our site for you and to collect aggregate information about site usage by all of our users.
A cookie is a text file that our web site transfers to your computer’s hard drive for record keeping purposes. The cookie assigns a random, unique number to your computer. It does not contain information that would personally identify you.
If you do not agree with this Policy, please do not use the Website or Service. This Policy should read together with the Terms of Use, which, together, and with any other specific agreements entered into between you and us, comprise the full agreement between Vanguard Medical Center and its users.